Hills to Honduras

Hi all,

I am (finally) completely finished with exams, after 3 last difficult ones this week, which means a couple of things: I’ll never be studying these subjects again and I’ll never be at my sixth form again. This is all very bittersweet; college has been an amazing time for me with playing lots of sport, being with my friends and of course studying hard (I won’t be missing that!).


^This is Ellie (one of my best buds) + I doing a final walk around Hills last month and then after our last exam yesterday πŸ™‚

Well, what now? This Sunday I get to fly back up to Scotland for training! That means I will be doing some intense travelling (plane, coach + ferry) to get me to the lovely little Isle of Coll. This is a place I had never heard of until I travelled up there last August for Selection but after spending a week there I am so excited to get back! It also means it has nearly been a year since I started this crazy journey, which is unbelievable. However, this doesn’t come without work – I have a very intensive list of things to get done before my trip!!

I’ve still been busy behind the scenes whilst exams have been going on: letters have been sent, jars have been made + put out and of course I have been organising the Bake Off. I’ve also had to be sorting out money to pay in to send to Scotland, which is always very exciting. We have had SO many donations for the car boot with stuff still coming in (the pictures are just what my abuela donated) so that will be a really good event to do, which will be happening after my training.


Thank you to all who are helping me, the countdown to me leaving is now on as I have around 6 weeks left in the UK! Don’t forget to check out my last post if you like baking, eating cake or just want to see me before I leave – it is going to be an ace event πŸ™‚



The big summer event everyone has been waiting for is finally here and I’m very excited to announce we will be hosting:


Oh yes. Fire up your ovens, get your aprons on – it’s time to bake. I know we all watch and love the Great British Bake Off, so I figured we should just have one of our own. If that isn’t fun enough, the 2015 runner up of the official GBBO (Ian Cumming) is going to judge! That’s right, you can have an actual baker, as seen on TV, judge your creation!!


Cake drop off will be at 1:30pm and then expect a day of cake + laughs. There will be added bonuses of craft stalls, a name the bear stall and of course, refreshments from the Sidewalk Coffee Co. There may, or may not be (but there is) some lovely rosettes for the winners…

If you don’t live in Caldecote but still want to enter (which of course you can do!) then you can email me with your name + category you want to enter:


Don’t forget you can obviously enter multiple categories and you really don’t have to be an expert, after all this is just for fun! Hopefully though we are going to see some really creative designs.

This is my last big fundraising event before I fly out to Honduras in August (more on that later, as details have been confirmed) so I hope to see as many people there as possible! Thanks to some very kind donations, both from individuals and charitable trusts, the total continues to rise which is amazing! Especially because I’m just about to enter my last week of exams so I can’t be fundraising as much as I would like – so really a huge thank you to everyone who is supporting me.

I can’t wait to see the cakes people create,

Charlotte πŸ™‚

1st Week Down

Hello to all!

So the days are getting (sort of) sunnier, the temperature is slowly but surely rising – what does this mean? We are mid exam season, of course! It has been a tough week but hopefully the hours of revision have paid off! I first learnt Russian history for my GCSEs and after another few years of it, I do feel partly like I could spew off random facts about Lenin or Gorbachev (the Gorbster, as I refer to him) at any moment… so perhaps it is for the best I leave that bit of history where it belongs – in the past πŸ˜‰

It’s been a busy week, I got to vote in a general election (exciting and scary at the same time – it’s best we don’t talk about it), had work done on my braces to prepare me for next year + I can’t lie, I probably spent 90% of my time locked in a room with books.

However, don’t be thinking I have forgotten about fundraising! I promised you a summer event and a summer event I will give. I have been bogged down with counsellors, organising various people, date picking… it continues. I’m cracking on with it though so try hold your suspense for just a little while longer!

I’m taking breaks whilst I can though, and I felt one was thoroughly needed after having an exam every day since Wednesday. So I decided to escape revision and get out with my beautiful buddy (+ some amazing music of course) – I can report back that the world didn’t disappoint! We were treated to an amazing evening in my village πŸ™‚

It is always good to get out + appreciate what the world has to offer.

I’m going to put my head down so I can do the whole thing again next week, but I’m wishing everyone a wonderful next week (or two).

Love to all,

Charlotte πŸ™‚